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Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence: Unleash Your Potential

By Peggy L. Ferguson, Ph.D.

Self-esteem is a critical factor in our lives, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It's how we perceive ourselves--the worth we believe we have, and it's intertwined with self-efficacy, self-appraisal, our beliefs about how others perceive us, and self-acceptance. Many elements contribute to our self-esteem, including childhood experiences, personal dispositions, and how we interpret life's events.

Childhood Factors and Life Experiences: Childhood plays a significant role in shaping self-esteem. Adequate love, respect, praise, attention, and opportunities during childhood contribute to healthy self-esteem. Conversely, neglect, trauma, poverty, and unrealistically high standards can negatively impact self-esteem.

Trauma, whether experienced in childhood, adulthood, or as an ongoing event, negatively impacts self-esteem. Abandonment and other significant losses, like status, jobs, health, and many more, can decrease self-esteem, especially when they challenge your identity. 

Self-Perception: Your self-esteem is also influenced by your behavior, particularly how well it aligns with your values and performance in various life roles. It's about how you perceive yourself, which may be shaped by comparisons to others and the distorted thoughts often accompanying low self-esteem.

Negative Self-Talk: Poor self-esteem is often perpetuated by distorted thoughts. Common negative thought patterns include, "I am not good enough" and "What will others think?" "I can't do anything right," and "There is no point in trying." These thoughts are not accurate self-assessments but are cognitive distortions associated with low self-esteem.

Self-Esteem and Life Quality: Self-esteem is not merely about feeling good about yourself. How you think and feel about yourself influences your behaviors. It's a circular relationship between cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components. When you evaluate yourself against your values and perceive shortcomings, it can lead to negative emotions and impacts your behavior.

The Impact of Low Self-Esteem: Low self-esteem can lead to a range of problems, including domestic violence, addiction, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and difficulties with assertiveness, decision-making, and perfectionism. It can also limit your ability to take risks, try new things, and nurture yourself.

Improvement is Possible: Fortunately, self-esteem is dynamic. You can improve it. The process involves self-discovery, self-acceptance, changing negative thought patterns through cognitive therapy, self-care, and taking risks to build self-efficacy and self-confidence. By taking responsibility for your decisions and happiness, you empower yourself to lead a more fulfilling life.

Improving Self-Esteem: It's possible to improve it and empower not only your self-confidence but a new growth mindset and behavior. Here are some suggestions to start immediately:

1. Physical Activity: Physical activity can increase your energy levels, improve sleep, reduce stress, and uplift your mood.

2. Writing: Keeping a journal or blog enables self-reflection. Exploring your feelings can help you understand and accept them. Identifying and labeling your emotions without judgment is an essential step in getting to know yourself.

3. Self-Reflection: Being able to understand your values and ensure your actions align with them helps you stop any over-concern you may have about what others think. Doing what you believe is right perpetuates acts of courage.

4. Healthy Relationships: Choose your company carefully. Cultivate relationships with people who affirm and support you. Spend time with those who lift you and eliminate or reduce time spent with negative influences.

5. Assertiveness: Learn and practice assertiveness. Identify areas where you struggle with it and learn how to take risks to practice assertiveness skills that you use in broader areas of your life. Assertiveness is not just about being able to say "No." It's about expressing yourself confidently.

6. Positive Self-Talk: Replace self-criticism with neutral or positive statements. Avoid mean or self-deprecating thoughts.

7. Accept Compliments: Practice accepting compliments graciously without downplaying them. Use affirmations and give yourself compliments. 

8. Try New Things: Permit yourself to try new activities, even if you may not excel at them. Allow yourself to enjoy new experiences without the need for perfection. A growth mindset permits you to try and fail and learn from what you consider failure.

9. Embrace Imperfection: Remember that everyone is a "work in progress," and nobody is perfect. Avoid comparing your insecurities to others' appearances or accomplishments.

Remember, self-esteem is not about arrogance; it's about having a realistic view of yourself, recognizing your inherent worth, and taking charge of your happiness. Your self-esteem shapes the quality of life you choose. So, work on it and empower yourself to lead a more fulfilling life.



My Favorite Affirmation

"Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better."  Emile Coue


You Can Do It.

“If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality.” Dr. Roopleen


Be Yourself.

"Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you. Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion. Set your life on fire.”—Rumi

Boost Your Self-Esteem and Confidence with Expert Coaching

Are you struggling with low self-esteem and a lack of confidence? Our coaching services can help you improve your self-esteem and build lasting self-confidence, empowering you to live a more fulfilling life.
Understand and Overcome Low Self-Esteem
The first step in improving self-esteem is identifying any sense of feeling less competent than others. Through coaching, you will explore your self-assessment and gain insight into the historical and current sources of low self-esteem. We help you confront your fear of rejection and understand how historical relationship injuries and trauma may be influencing your feelings about yourself.
Transform Negative Self-Talk
Negative self-talk can be a significant barrier to building self-esteem. Our coaching assists you in identifying cognitive distortions—negative beliefs about yourself and the world to neutralize and eliminate those barriers to self-confidence. We help you identify any secondary gains from negative self-talk and hesitance to change, confront and reframe negative assessments, and develop positive self-talk to boost confidence and self-esteem.
Increase Self-Acceptance and Assertiveness
Become aware of how you express or act out negative feelings about yourself and work to increase self-acceptance. Coaching encourages your awareness of assets, positive attributes, and accomplishments. You will learn to own those positive traits and achievements without discounting them.
Proactive Goal Setting and Achievement
We guide you in setting and achieving goals, giving yourself credit for progress, and eliminating the worry about what others think of you. By stopping unfair comparisons to others and avoiding avoidance behaviors due to anxiety or fear, you can begin to accept yourself as less than perfect but still worthwhile. Our coaching helps you eliminate the perception of mistakes as catastrophic and develop a support system with supportive people while limiting time with those who are critical or negative.
Take Risks and Embrace Imperfection
Poor self-esteem and self-confidence inhibit your ability to take advantage of opportunities. With coaching, you can explore new activities and embrace the freedom to be imperfect in your attempts. By taking risks incrementally and practicing assertive behavior, you will increase your self-confidence and self-esteem. Replace your inner critic with an inner cheerleader and embrace the journey to a more confident and self-assured you.

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